Thursday, May 30, 2024

Golf Traffic (Walking and Carts)

    As we are all aware, HMGC is a very busy golf course. This equates to increased wear and tear on our turf from not only golf carts, but push carts and foot traffic as well.  With any traffic it is best to walk or drive on the healthiest looking turf and avoid pathways where the turf is laying down or damaged from previous traffic. General rules that I am sure we have all heard is to keep carts at least 30 feet from greens and tees, but ON the CART PATH when available. 

    We use yellow ropes and stakes to protect wet/soft areas after rainfall and also to direct traffic around greens and tees. Around greens and tees our goal is to move traffic around so that all turf receives equal traffic but the turf closest to play receives little to none. As you can see below we are trying to push traffic as far away from the playing area where most shots will "miss". This does create a wear area on its own but if no rope was there the worn area would be right next to the bunker as it is the closest spot to the green. 

Every year we try to pick a cart path to repair or replace. With the amount of money that we have invested over the years we ask that you please stay on paths where they are available. This may require a few extra steps, but the materials (fertilizer, water, sod) and labor (fertilizing, roping, aerifying) will allow us to be more efficient with our finances. My personal pet peeve is a couple or all tires hanging off the paths. 


Finally, if you have to pull one of our ropes and stakes to hit a shot, please put the stake back in the ground after your shot is taken. This will insure that areas stay protected.