We will be opening the golf course on Saturday the 20th at 12:00. You will be receiving an email from the golf shop today with instructions for tee times. Sunday the course will open at 11:00. The reason for the later start is due to the forecasted low temperatures in the 20's. The late start will let the frost burn off and the ground to thaw, especially on greens. Carts will be available this weekend and daily depending on rainfall. The range will be open on the mats. The short game area will be open but not stocked with range balls. The fairway on the short game area is still dormant and we prefer to let that start growing before we beat it up to much.
As far as the course goes we will only be placing blue tee markers this weekend. This is where 80% of our play will be and we need to not kill the area around the blue stone. 17 and 15 tee will be open and we will have all tee markers out on this hole as to not randomly beat the tee up.
Flagsticks will still have the foam in the cup, proceed how you see fit.
Bunker rakes and benches will be placed out in the coming weeks, again proceed how you see fit.
Please follow and respect our ropes and stakes as the turf is still coming out of dormancy and can not recover from repeated traffic.
Thanks for following along and here's to a great 2021.